Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life -Book Review

Ikigai book

Book: Ikigai-The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Authors: Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles

Publication Date : August 29, 2017

Genre: Self help Book

Publisher : Penguin Life

Pages : 208

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life is a fascinating book that talks about Ikigai, a special Japanese idea that helps people live a fulfilling and joyful life.

The book, written by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, has become very popular because it explains the principles of Ikigai and how it can make our lives better.

It combines cultural knowledge, scientific research, and practical tips to show how adopting Ikigai can lead to personal growth and happiness.

About This book

This book takes us to Okinawa, Japan, where people live for a very long time in good health. The authors talk about the concept of Ikigai and how it helps Okinawans have such long and healthy lives.

Ikigai means finding a strong sense of purpose and meaning in life, something that makes us excited to wake up every day. The book tells us about five important things that make up Ikigai: doing what we love, having a mission, using our talents, doing a job we enjoy, and feeling like we are meant to do something. When we put all these things together, we can feel very satisfied and happy with our lives.

Key Point

Finding Purpose: The book tells us that we should find our Ikigai, which could be a big dream or just doing things we enjoy, like hobbies or helping others.

It encourages us to think about what we are passionate about and good at to discover our Ikigai.

Living in the Present: The authors say that it’s important to be in the present moment and not worry too much about the past or future. By focusing on what we are doing right now, we can feel more connected to our Ikigai.

Nurturing Relationships: Having strong connections with family, friends, and our community is a big part of Ikigai. The book shows how important it is to have people we care about and who care about us to feel a sense of belonging and purpose.

Pursuing Healthy Habits: The book talks about the importance of eating well, exercising regularly, and finding ways to reduce stress. These habits help us stay healthy and feel good, making it easier to live our Ikigai.

Embracing Resilience: Okinawans are very strong in difficult times. They see challenges as chances to grow and learn. Embracing resilience is a big part of Ikigai, helping us deal with tough situations and become stronger.

My Thoughts About This book

In my point of view this book is a well-written book that introduces readers to an interesting concept with practical benefits. However, some people feel that the book might make Japanese culture and Ikigai seem too simple. While Ikigai is valuable, it may not work the same way for everyone seeking happiness and purpose.

Is ikigai worth reading?

yes, The authors Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, explain how four important things come together: what you enjoy, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for.

Ikigai diagram

They talked to people who are over 100 years old to learn from their experiences. The book gives helpful ideas on how to feel happy and satisfied in everyday life. It mixes together ideas from feelings, thinking, and true stories to give advice on how to live a meaningful life. If you’re interested in learning how to be happy and live longer, “Ikigai” could be a good book for you to read.

last words about this book

“Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” is a captivating book that talks about Ikigai, a Japanese philosophy that helps people find meaning and happiness in life. The authors give useful advice on discovering and nurturing our Ikigai, using real stories and research.

While the book has some criticisms, it still inspires readers to think about their lives and find their own happiness, leading to a more joyful and satisfying life.

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