The Subtle Knife Book Review

the subtle knife book cover

After the exciting and detailed story in Northern Lights or The Golden Compass whatever you called, Philip Pullman’s next book, The Subtle Knife, is the second part of his famous His Dark Materials series. This book makes the story even bigger and more surprising. It talks about not just one, but many different worlds.

In Pullman’s second book, we meet Will Parry, a new main character who is just as important as Lyra Belacqua, the girl we liked a lot in the first book. Will is a young boy from our world, and he’s easy to understand and very brave. He’s dealing with big challenges that are usually too much for someone his age. Pullman did a great job by bringing Will into the story. Will makes the story feel closer to our own world. This helps set the stage before the story jumps into more magical and strange adventures.

The book title, The Subtle Knife is about a very special and mysterious thing: the knife in the story. This knife can do something amazing – it can cut open paths between different worlds. This is not just a cool part of the story, but it also means something deeper. It represents growing up, the hurt we feel when we lose something, and the heavy duties we sometimes have to carry. The knife can both make things and break things, showing how the story deals with difficult choices and right and wrong, which are big themes in Pullman’s books.

Pullman does an amazing job creating the world in his books. He takes the universe he started in Northern Lights/ The Golden compass and makes it even bigger. He introduces many different worlds, and each one has its own special features and rules. This could have made the story too complicated, but Pullman is really good at handling it. He adds these new worlds in a way that makes the main story even better, instead of making it hard to understand.

In this book, the ideas and themes are more serious and darker than in the first book. Pullman explores big topics like the freedom to make our own choices, what sin means, and how power can sometimes lead to bad things. The story boldly questions some traditional religious ideas, which has caused some people to disagree with it. But at the same time, many people respect and admire the book for being brave in its thinking and for having deep, thoughtful ideas.

As Lyra grows and changes in the story, Pullman also grows better as a writer. Northern Lights was already full of creative storytelling, but “The Subtle Knife” adds more deep thoughts and feelings. Lyra, now with her new friend Will, remains a very interesting and relatable main character. She’s not perfect, but that’s part of what makes her so likable. The way their friendship grows and how they start to understand their role in the universe is written in a way that touches both kids and grown-ups.

Even though The Subtle Knife is a great book, it has a common problem that many second books in a series have. It moves the story from the beginning in the first book towards the big ending we expect in the third book. Because it’s in the middle of the story, sometimes it leaves readers wanting more answers and endings for some parts of the story.

The Subtle Knife is a great follow-up to Northern Lights. It makes the world of the series bigger in real and deeper ways, bringing in new ideas and characters that make the story more interesting. Pullman shows he’s a great storyteller by mixing exciting fantasy parts with deep thinking, making a book that’s not just a fun fantasy tale but also a smart look at complicated topics. As the second book in the trilogy, it does a fantastic job setting everything up for what seems like it will be an amazing ending in The Amber Spyglass.

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