Review- The Burning God (The Poppy War Book #3)

the burning god

I really enjoyed reading the first two books in R.F. Kuang’s Poppy War series, I was really looking forward to the last book The Burning God. I’m happy to say that this final part of the story was everything I hoped for – it had exciting fights, interesting politics, and lots of emotions.”

In R.F. Kuang’s third book, The Burning God, she skillfully adds more details to the already interesting world and the characters we got to know in the first two books, The Poppy War and The Dragon Republic. We meet Rin again, who is a main character with many problems and mistakes but is still very interesting to follow. She’s dealing with a lot of difficult memories from her past, and her special abilities might be more of a problem than a solution.]

The Burning God by R.F. Kuang gets even darker compared to the earlier books. There’s a lot of sadness and harshness, especially because of war, fighting, and people being disloyal to each other. The characters in the story have to deal with really tough decisions, ones that seem impossible to make.

Kuang doesn’t avoid showing how tough and rough things can be. She doesn’t hide the violence and brutality, making sure we see how much damage conflict can do to people and communities. It’s like she’s holding up a mirror to the harsh reality of war, making us understand the hard impact it has on both individuals and the whole society.

What truly sets The Burning God apart is its amazing exploration of good and bad. As Rin delves deeper into the darkness, it makes you wonder: how much is too much to achieve what you believe in? Can we truly achieve good without getting our hands dirty? This book throws a curveball at your moral compass, forcing you to question everything you thought you knew about war, revolution, and the sacrifices we make for our convictions. It’s a mind-blowing journey that will leave you thinking long after you turn the last page.

One aspect of The Burning God I found particularly captivating was its realistic portrayal of war’s brutality. Kuang doesn’t shy away from depicting the horrors of conflict, forcing the reader to confront the true costs of violence and revenge. This unflinching portrayal adds depth and weight to the narrative, making the story all the more impactful.

Another strength of the book is its vibrant character development. Rin’s journey is one of transformation, both personal and political. We witness her grapple with the darkness within herself, the consequences of her choices, and the burden of leadership. This internal struggle makes her a compelling and relatable protagonist, even as she makes questionable decisions.

The world-building in The Burning God is also top-notch. Kuang draws inspiration from Chinese history and mythology, creating a rich and immersive setting that feels both familiar and fantastical. The inclusion of various cultures and religions adds depth and complexity to the narrative, making the world feel truly alive.

The Burning God packs a punch! This grimdark fantasy is a must-read if you love intricate stories with complex characters. Buckle up for a ride through war, sacrifice, and the depths of the human soul. And if you’re already invested in Rin’s journey, this conclusion is sure to leave you both satisfied and deeply pondering.

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