The Hero of Ages, the third and concluding book of the initial trilogy Mistborn, is not just a testament...
In a mysterious land covered in fog and where old buildings hold hidden truths, The Well of Ascension...
Brandon Sanderson’s The Final Empire is the first book in an amazing fantasy series misborn that...
In the huge space where stars sparkle and galaxies spin, there’s a world Starsight by Brandon Sanderson....
In the huge space where stars shine on a dark background, I find the story of Skyward by Brandon Sanderson....
Warbreaker is a unique fantasy book by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a story that stands on its own,...
I read many books that are good, some are great, and every now and then, I find one that’s truly...
Brandon Sanderson’s first book, Elantris, takes you on a cool adventure in a world where magic,...
If you’re excited to explore the amazing stories written by Brandon Sanderson but feeling a bit...
If you really like big fantasy books, you might have heard about the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan....
I read all the previous books of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time books, starting The Path of Daggers...
I loves reading a lot and has read all the books in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, I felt...