Singularity by Sherri Fulmer Moorer is an exciting sci-fi thriller that explores how humans and artificial...
Hope Unleashed is a real story about Wendy, a woman who spent her life caring for abandoned animals while...
Under the Floorboards by John Kiss is an emotional story about survival, bravery, and kindness during...
BITTERBLUE by Sam Martin is an engaging and thought-provoking book that combines an exciting story with...
H.W. Terrance’s Thirst is a powerful story about losing innocence, dealing with addiction, and finding...
Change is Possible: The 7 Stages of Healing Trauma by Michael is more than just a book. It’s a personal...
Ken Steele’s The Promise of Unbroken Straw is a heartwarming story about family, identity, and staying...
The Bicycle That Unplugged Us by Letizia Basile is a sweet and heartwarming story about friendship, fun,...
They Were Horrible Cooks by Allison Whittenberg is a collection of poems about family, life, and the...
Remmelt Ellen’s Artificial Bodies is a fascinating book that talks about how artificial intelligence...
Out of the Silent Planet Originally published in 1938, marks the beginning of Lewis’s celebrated...
To be honest, I enjoys Rothfuss’s other books, reading this shorter story was exciting but also...